Reason for not maxing out ball skill ratings

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Reason for not maxing out ball skill ratings

Postby StyxTx on Sun Aug 14, 2016 12:25 am

I am a 99 in all 3 aspects of ball handling but since I got to that level my to/g have quadrupled. But not because I'm doing anything different. It's because of stupid things the AI does, such as my passes going right into the chest or legs of a defender 2 feet in front of me or something ridiculous like a defender who is standing BEHIND a teammate I'm passing to somehow managing to steal the ball without the ball ever reaching my teammate. Huh? I was charged with a turnover several times when the perfect pass hit my teammate's hand but he fumbled it and the other team got it. That would be a turnover on my teammate's part, not mine. I've been called for a turnover when I throw a pass to a teammate who is standing still along the sideline and after receiving the pass he steps out of bounds for some reason. Again, that is his turnover, not mine. I've even had the ball stolen as I was HANDING the ball to a teammate who was behind me by a defender who was in front of me. Even watching the replay in slow motion I couldn't see how the defender ended off with the ball. It just appeared in his hand. Right.

I've had up to 10 turnovers in games because of stupid AI decisions. In the meantime, my assts/g haven't gone up any. Still avg 10.1 assts/g. That's not bad but I would think it would go up some, especially while playing for GS.

This kind of stuff was not happening, or at least I wasn't getting charged for a turnover, before I maxed out the ball handling ratings. Maybe I'm just stupid but I thought as your rating went up you got better at the skill. Recommendation, don't max out the ratings.
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Re: Reason for not maxing out ball skill ratings

Postby StyxTx on Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:09 am

A new one. My teammates stand there and watch the ball (and I mean watch, didn't even try to catch it) bounce off their nose and go right to a defender. My turnover. Come on. Really?

While I'm at it, I have played over 200 games, seeing at least 2 charging calls per game. That's over 400 charging calls between my team and the opposing teams. Of those only ONE has been a true charge. Every other one has the defender running, moving, and even in the air while the offensive player gets a charge. Doesn't matter if it's my team or the opponent, this is a crock. Either learn what a charge is or remove it from the game.

Also, the blatant way the game determines rebounds. I kid you not, an opposing center missed a shot. The ball bounced off the rim, literally went thru that center's chest, then literally thru my teammates waste right to an opposing player who gets the "rebound" and makes the shot. I watched it on slo-mo replay and that's what happened. I have seen what should be "over the back" fouls not being called constantly just so the opponent can grab an offensive rebound. I have watched the slo-mo replay and seen opposing players arms going thru the body of my player just to grab an offensive rebound. The frequency they can have ONE player, even some small guard, grabbing rebounds thru FOUR of our players, even missing the putback several times but getting the offensive rebound each time...yeah, it can happen but not anywhere near the frequency of this game. It's as if the game has decided they are going to get the rebound and will do whatever it takes to make it happen, including the ball taking bounces off the rim that defy physics based on the angle the ball hits off the rim. I have seen 3 of my players lined up, literally, shoulder to shoulder as the ball comes off the rim...coming down to one of the players in the group, then somehow the opponent comes thru them from behind,without being slowed down at all or any of my players being pushed or moved at all, and grabs the rebound in front of them? I think not.

Blocked shots. There are a lot of them.

What I find odd is.....every time our opponent blocks a shot it either goes out of bounds or they get the ball. Every time my team blocks a shot it goes out of bounds or goes to them. I don't recall us ever recovering a block shot.

I hate to say it, this is the kind of garbage that turned me off of 2k and it looks like I won't be playing this much longer..
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