by Andrew on Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:19 pm
It's a shame that a handful of edgelords are trying to ruin the Thunderdome with that gross and childish nonsense. Look, we've all been (or still are) dissatisfied with WWE to varying degrees, but that stuff is gross and immature. Also, while there are many criticisms we can make of WWE, the goalposts do get shifted a lot. No fans? "This isn't good, wrestling needs fans." Using wrestlers as a makeshift crowd? "This isn't a real crowd!" Doing something cool and a bit futuristic-looking, allowing fans to virtually attend (as real sports have been doing)? "This looks dumb, like a Zoom chat!" Whatever they do, they can't win, and that's not a fair standard to hold anyone to.
It's telling that when WWE does something it's bad, but when AEW does it, it's good. Of course, that also speaks to the importance of having fostered goodwill, which AEW has, and WWE has squandered (especially over the past decade). It's the best they can do in this time, as they can't let fans back in. Mind you, AEW is doing just that - letting a limited amount of fans in to future shows - and they're not getting the backlash WWE no doubt would be. Again, I'm not about to argue that WWE hasn't made mistakes with its product/business dealings that turn people away and squander goodwill, or suggest that AEW is evil and horrible, but there is a clear double standard when it comes to stuff like this, where both companies are in the same boat and like real sports leagues, are trying to get around the lack of crowds as best they can.
Anyway, childish antics from egdelords aside, I like the Thunderdome concept. It's making the best of the situation and it's an interesting, futuristic visual. I did like the makeshift crowds of wrestlers though, with the pounding on the plexiglass and more organic crowd noise. On top of all that, WWE has some decent storylines going at the moment, though it'll take them a while to wash away the stink of some of the bad angles and booking of months and years past. Personally I'm not really a fan of RAW Underground, so there are misses along with the recent hits as well, at least for me.