Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Mon Jun 15, 2020 7:27 pm

That match was underwhelming. Felt like a TV match, honestly. Since they're still bringing up the friendship angle, they still would be going for the feud anyways.

I liked the McIntyre/Lashley match, and I also liked the Edge/Orton match except for the added audio and arena effects. I didn't like the Profits/Raiders segment. That said, I have not liked any cinematic match WWE has put up after the Boneyard/Funhouse matches. I think that type of production fits well with Undertaker and The Fiend because of their character, and anything else would just be hokey and cringey.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Mon Jun 15, 2020 10:09 pm

I think it's also one of those things you don't want to do too often, else is loses its allure and waters down the concept.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Tue Jun 16, 2020 5:32 am

It does seem like they are going back to the well, a bit too much after the early successes. Also, it could be more out of convenience to avoid doing live matches due to COVID-19.

I wound up watching the Orton-Edge match and it was hilarious they "digitally enhanced" the crowd noise. A lot of false finishes which i personally am not a fan of, but I can still appreciate what they did. I liked the tributes to the greats that they have all faced over the years. It did get a bit repetitive but the end sequence was really cool and well-done. I liked that they brought the punt back after it being banned for so long.

I had also read reports that Edge had torn his triceps during the match and I was looking for the exact moment that happened. He must have hid it well as it wasn't very obvious when, but I think it might have happened on a top rope superplex when Randy kind of landed on Edge's arm. Edge could have been selling but he held his arm kinda funny immediately after it. Given his history of injuries, I could see him getting surgery for it immediately which could put him out for quite some time and he doesn't necessarily need the money. BUT knowing that he doesn't have much time left to do this, he may opt to just continue to wrestle. I remember my jiujitsu coach had torn his biceps and continued to train after that and didn't get surgery or anything but it took a long time to heal.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Tue Jun 16, 2020 5:58 am

Heard that too. Bad news, but at least it's not his neck.

Meanwhile, WWE Shop has just released a new IIconics shirt, so rumours of their split would appear to be greatly exaggerated. Still don't know why they teased it, especially since they didn't end up putting the titles on them again yet. I imagine it's just a matter of time.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Tue Jun 16, 2020 6:36 am

I also wanted to mention that Joe's promo ability and his ability to adlib and be creative has made him a really good announcer. Hopefully, that's something he'll do when he can't wrestle anymore, but for now I would prefer him in the ring when healthy
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:05 pm

I think Edge's injury can effectively write him out for some time and when he comes back, it will be for the rubber match with Orton.

I really hope they don't split up the Iiconics. While I think they are good individually, they just work very well together. Hopefully, that new shirt won't end up like that (crappy) Y2AJ shirt for Jericho and AJ when they teamed up for two weeks before splitting them up.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:12 pm

At first I didn't like Shotzi as I thought she was just some weird white girl who howls and tries too hard to be edgy but after watching this I found out she's part Filipino so a new found respect for her lol

Also learned about Joaquin Wilde who I didn't really know

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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Tue Jun 16, 2020 4:24 pm

I didn't know she was part Filipino before seeing that video from the WWEPC channel. I first saw Shotzi in the EVOLVE special aired on the Network late last year. When she dived through that three stacks of chairs, I liked her already. :lol:

Upon further Googling, I learned she tried out for the 2015 version of Tough Enough. And she also sold her shit online for thirsty fans. :lol:


Here's Regal offering her a contract in EVOLVE last year:

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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Tue Jun 16, 2020 5:57 pm

Tag title match between The IIconics and Sasha & Bayley next week. Could very well be the title switch and official implosion of Boss 'n' Hug. I forgot about the Y2AJ shirt, though to be fair they weren't an established tag team. Again, we can't put a bizarre decision past WWE, but it splitting Billie and Peyton would really be ruining a good thing for no reason. At this point in their careers, they're too good as a double act, and the division needs as many teams as it can get. Nice to see them continue getting a chance to do more in the ring; seems like their new finisher is called "Fall from Grace", too.

It appears they're splitting Lana from Lashley, which is the cherry on top of the pointless and miserable angle with the now-released Rusev. That angle was bad at the time, and has aged like milk since.

Seeing Christian have a match after six years was weird, but cool all the same. Helps further the storyline and keep Randy looking like the biggest jerk on the roster.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Wed Jun 17, 2020 5:08 am

On another note, i liked The IIconics' post-match promo, but what's up with these camera cuts?

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This is a recurring issue with WWE programming of course, but this is a tremendous example of how ridiculous they are. Missing Edge's spear at the Rumble in favour of the crowd shot stands as the production blunder of the year, though.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:16 pm

I like that they're serious in that promo!

So I'm sensing that they pop up on NXT to after the tag team title match (Bayley and Sasha to defend vs Shotzi and Tegan), hoping that they get a good match there too.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:55 pm

I like that they've developed a bit of a nasty, vicious edge on top of their humour and obnoxiousness. I think that's what their characters should be, and their more sinister delivery of their catchphrase was perfect for that. But yeah, the overkill on the camera cuts was ridiculous.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby deihatein on Sat Jun 20, 2020 10:10 pm

Crazy stuff going on with some wrestlers having sexual allegations against them. Couldn't find most Smackdown stuff because the SquaredCircle front page is all about them.
shadowgrin wrote:Quick question: who is better in basketball, a black dude or a pinoy dude. If you thought or considered for a moment that it's the black dude then you're also a little bit racist.

End of any racist discussion.

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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Sun Jun 21, 2020 5:59 am

The big question is what do they do about Matt riddle who they are about to push as a big star. The alegations came out in the morning and it was probably too late to rewrite or take his debut out (or probably too inconvenient) so who knows where they go from here.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:45 pm

The Riddle situation is also very murky because of the counter accusations. That's a messy situation all around. It's good that these things are coming to light though, and that people are being made to own their despicable behaviour.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Mon Jun 22, 2020 1:36 pm

Apparently, WWE already knew about the situation with Riddle before signing him, so I guess they'll do nothing unless advertisers force them to.

There are rumors of Undertaker retiring? I think it would be as good as time as any, and the Boneyard Match would be a great high point to leave on instead of coming back and risking another Goldberg-like match. Though I think it would be cool once fans are back to give him a proper send-off in front of a live audience whenever that may be
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Mon Jun 22, 2020 3:22 pm

Yeah that situation sounds complicated, like there's possibly a false accusation. Obviously you always want to be careful about making that claim, but there seems to be more question marks surrounding that than other accusations that have been backed up and verified. As I said, quite messy, but generally speaking the exposure of abusers in the industry is clearly overdue.

It does look like Undertaker is all but retired. If so, it's a shame his final match couldn't have been in front of an audience, but given the circumstances he did kind of end of a good note. Perhaps we might see one more match at Survivor Series - the 30th anniversary of his debut - if crowds are back by then. Being that he is my all-time favourite, I'm sorry to see his career more or less officially come to an end, but at the same time, it is time. Past time, many would say, but it's clearly been hard for him to let go and accept what his body has been telling him.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:48 pm

They're letting them actually wrestle, and I love it.

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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Tue Aug 04, 2020 9:33 pm


YOLO, I suppose.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby bigh0rt on Mon Aug 10, 2020 10:08 am

That's a great looking belt. If it's a purchase you made, that's cool. (Y)

I've tuned in sporadically to WWE and AEW lately, missing NXT all together, and man, WWE has been unwatchable, or I've simply been missing anything worth watching. Some Apollo Crews stuff I've seen has been alright, and maybe it's the lack of an audience (though it doesn't seem to bother me with AEW programming), but it's just not worth watching, IMO. The AEW stuff I've caught has been entertaining, but certainly not fantastic. Has NXT been good?
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:04 pm

I feel like WWE has had some good points, though it's getting to the point where the Two Woman Power Trip with Sasha and Bayley is causing them to be overexposed, while holding all the belts in the women's division hostage.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Mon Aug 10, 2020 4:20 pm

Also, RIP Kamala. This skit from back in the day is as cheesy as it gets, but I love it all the same.

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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby [Q] on Tue Aug 11, 2020 2:35 am

I just tune in if I read the summaries and see if there's anything I want to see, like Kairis last match or Nakamura winning the tag titles. TBH I used to watch NXT every week but I don't watch anymore. I barely even watch the takeovers, just the matches I've been anticipating. A lot of the people I used to watch are gone or no longer featured on the show
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Lean on Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:17 pm

bigh0rt wrote:That's a great looking belt. If it's a purchase you made, that's cool. (Y)

Yep, it's a birthday gift for myself, only it arrived a few weeks earlier. I am also looking to have a third-party leather strap replace the stock pleather one.

bigh0rt wrote:I've tuned in sporadically to WWE and AEW lately, missing NXT all together, and man, WWE has been unwatchable, or I've simply been missing anything worth watching. Some Apollo Crews stuff I've seen has been alright, and maybe it's the lack of an audience (though it doesn't seem to bother me with AEW programming), but it's just not worth watching, IMO. The AEW stuff I've caught has been entertaining, but certainly not fantastic. Has NXT been good?

I don't have means of watching AEW legally here, so I haven't watched any of their product. But from what I read, fans are divided because AEW promised a sports-based wrestling show, maybe like NJPW, and it's slowly turning to alternative WWE-style of a wrestling show. I don't watch Raw and Smackdown regularly, I only watch clips they have on YouTube, but I still do watch their PPV's, whether it's good or not.

I still watch NXT weekly, though.
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Re: Professional Wrestling (WWE, TNA, ROH, etc)

Postby Andrew on Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:36 pm

AEW made some big promises and set some lofty goals that I'd suggest they discovered were a lot easier said than done. With that being said, they're fresher and avoiding some of the pitfalls WWE has stumbled into over the past decade, and I think that alone - "WWE without the staleness and stuff you're sick of - is a pretty strong selling point and appealing alternative for a lot of people.
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