Simonn-Lee wrote:The fps drops happen while exchanging possession, especially when u using 2K camera in lower height(which shows more crowds, and I guess that's the reason why fps drops)
Those fps drops have absolutely nothing to do with GPU limitations but instead they are the result of poor engine optimization (probably for lack of time). The proof of this is, guess what, found in the same video you posted where you can see clearly that the same exact fps drops (in the same exact way) happen with EVERY console, under every circumstance, no matter hardware differences. In fact you can run the game at 1080p and you will still experience fps drops in those instances. That's not how GPU fps drops work since they are closely related to hardware, resources' usage (resolution being one of the greatest influencing factors), and they usually happen much less organically.
Simonn-Lee wrote:This game runs at 4K60 (4K30 while replays or cutscenes or in pause menu)on Xbox Series X but has fps drops, BTW, the last gen version of this game also runs at 4K60 (also 4K30 while replays or cutscenes or in pause menu) on Xbox One X but have no fps drop issue.
(why locked 30 fps on replays or cutscenes? because replays or cutscenes require more gpu power than playing the game, PC users can easily find out this if shows FPS)
No, cutscenes being locked at 30 fps has absolutely nothing to do with lack of GPU power. It is strictly tied, once again, to how the engine works, specifically on the matter of how scenes are pre-rendered (why that's the case would be too long to explain here). Yet again, you can see the proof of this in the same video you posted, since cinematics are locked to 30 fps no matter the resolution and/or console used (even the same video creator states clearly that this is an instance that's common in sports titles, because it is tied to how cutscenes are pre-rendered and hence having absolutely nothing to do with GPU performance). Btw 30 fps lock on cinematics is yet another proof of the fact that 2K lied when they said that the "next gen" engine was built from the ground up, as such limitations are a clear remnant of old gen engines' limitations.
Simonn-Lee wrote:The Xbox S u mentioned, is it Xbox Series S? I owned that console for about one month and then sold it, and also played nxet gen 2k21 on it. It runs at 1080p60 (1080p30 while replays or cutscenes or in pause menu) on Xbox Series S and often(way more often then XSX)gets fps drop while using 2K camera, and that's why I sold it (I was expecting a 1440p60 experience, but in fact no).
And you will have the same 30 fps lock in cutscenes and the same exact fps drops on certain camera angles, nowithstanding the different hardware and different resolution used, proving, yet again, that the matter has absolutely and positively nothing to do with lack of GPU performance. Btw the limitation to run at 1080p on a Series S is just a software limitation imposed by the devs and there are some hacks (that I will not tell you where to find and that I advice anyone to never use since they will void your warranty and with them you can irreparably damage the console, especially if you don't know exactly what you are doing) that you can use to bypass any software limitation on resolution and run the game at 1440p or even 4K, and it will in fact work without much of an issue.
Simonn-Lee wrote:If u want a 1080p60 on max experience on PC, it appears that even a 2060 is not enough, because the graphic settings are not on max on Xbox Series S, not even mention how well this game can actually runs on PC.
Are you serious? 1080p? You can run RDR 2 at max settings on a 2060 at 1080p (you will not reach 60 fps but it's perfectly playable). Are you seriously pretending that the 2K next gen engine is even remotely resource intensive as RDR 2 on max settings is? Please. Furthermore the beauty of PCs is that you can scale back graphics to suit your hardware. Even if you couldn't run the game at max settings on a 2060 (that's impossible but let's go with it just for discussion's sake) you could easily lower some of the most intensive settings to have the game run fine.