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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby mp3 on Fri Jul 03, 2020 5:36 pm

Yeah they reckon there will be a 2nd wave here too, iam ok right now but if I don't find work in the next 2 weeks then it will be a different story, having the nba coming back is giving me something to focus on.
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby mp3 on Mon Dec 28, 2020 5:59 pm

What a year it's been guys!

Hope your all well and enjoying the holidays, I thought I'd post a life update to round out the year.

As many of you know this year like for a lot people has been one of the hardest, for mankind actually

The uncertain future and just going day to day with new covid updates and lockdowns added every few months has become the norm for me in the UK, and in a way getting used to it has helped my anxiety of not knowing what the future holds as iam someone who has always liked to know what is happening even if it's just a rough outline of say a weekends plans with the mates or having my daughter over tho my mates surprisingly are less predictable than my 4 year daughter lol.

So last time we spoke I was in and out of work during a time when the world was in total lockdown which was the hardest time but things did get worst for me as I went to work somewhere, about an hour's drive away which was a killer as the shifts were 12 hours long so add another 2+ hours travel on that was tough but then I became ill, really really ill and I was promoted to get tested.

Results were positive for covid-19.

I couldn't have any contact with people for nearly a month before I was finally given the all clear, it hit hard and I decided to take myself away from social media, I kind of fell out of love with basketball too, sports in general. gaming etc I guess I was just in a dark place but I'd look forward to my facetime calls with my daughter and finally getting to see her again was out of this world knowing that it wasn't just me that missed her the feeling was mutual.

It was safe to say that the job was not held for me which I felt was wrong as I'd followed protocol and everything, funnily enough the UK government agreed and stepped in to help me till I was well enough to get back out there which came in October after a chance conversation with a mate of mine from the old roofing place I worked at, for 5+ years I was there Saw man.

My mate got in touch saying that the company had fired a fair number of people recently including the saw man and wondered if I'd come back which of course I did ask have been working there the last few months and although I've had to take Christmas off unpaid I know I have a job to go back too on 4th January so things for me are looking up at last.
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Andrew on Mon Dec 28, 2020 7:59 pm

2020's definitely been that way, right? Sorry to hear you had such a rough go of it for a while there, but glad to hear you recovered and things are better on the job front. I think we're all hoping that 2021 is a bit brighter, even if there's a ways to go in getting back to normal.
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby mp3 on Mon Dec 28, 2020 11:08 pm

Yeah It was pretty tough but I think iam been lucky compared to some people and like I said when I got ill with covid-19 I was pretty low been in isolation it didn't really hit home until watching the nba bubble, at first I was over the moon watching the nba again but as the games went on it just lacked something and felt like summer league, now with teams playing in there arenas I think the league has done a great job covering the entry seats and placing in crowd sounds that is more for the fans than players but it feels like the nba is finally back I mean when the Knicks get blown out last game then beat one of the best teams in the league by 20 the next game you just know things are getting back to normal.
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby [Q] on Tue Dec 29, 2020 4:28 am

man, that sucks that all of these people are getting the virus while working. My friend's father who is a bit older got it because his work was extremley reckless and didn't even shut down until over 20 people tested postive. I'd be so mad if that were me
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby mp3 on Tue Dec 29, 2020 6:13 am

Yeah to be honest I was pretty mad at the time, I think i already had quite a lot of anger built up due to the lack of communication between us and our government and being in a position that I need to work to live so had no choice but to travel that far for work and yeah it was kind of little backwards town where I was working and they had no measures in place other than staggering breaks for the canteen wasn't full of people but other than that there was no cleaning down of equipment no keeping 2 meters apart or anything like that but in all honesty I hated the job and I couldn't pin point it to where I caught it but they also had cases before and after me I hear so I wouldn't be surprised.

Like I said I wasn't mad as at the end of the day the place was full of people like myself that not working wasn't an option.

If anything getting covid was a but of an awakening really just to how bad it can get for people as I know someone with asthma that was only 10 years older than me that got ill while I had it and that sadly passed away due to it.

I know alot of people around the world think covid-19 is BS welll from someone that fought through it, it's no joke.

It's honestly like the worst case of flu I've ever had with a pounding headache for about 3-4 straight days and a cough that has you seriously wondering if you will be able to catch your breath, throw in the fact that the government want you to self isolate for 3-4 weeks with you having to take regular tests really is mind draining but I've come out the other side of it a happier man and Definitely more appropriative of everything in life.
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Andrew on Tue Dec 29, 2020 1:27 pm

It does sound utterly awful. Again, glad to hear you got through it in the end.
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby mp3 on Thu Feb 04, 2021 4:33 am

Well it seems me and covid are not friends, for the second time in a 6 month period I tested positive.

On the plus side this time around my body seemed to react better in recovery tho I will say that I was more intense but for 7 days straight were before it's was on and off for nearly 4 weeks straight.

Touch wood it doesn't come back to haunt me but I feel like I may be able to return to work on Monday now tho its hard to believe what the world says about being careful and containing the virus when after last time I literally would only go work, see my daughter or mother and home but somehow I get it again so like in the walking dead I think this shit is airborne lol.

Anyway hope everyone is doing well and staying safe, I had said a week ago that I may give nba 2k21 another shot but then I became so ill the passed 7 days has been a blur and I couldn't even bring myself to eat (I lost 10lbs yey) let alone hold a PS4 controller in my hand stare at a screen and complain about shoe lace physics but maybe I will give it another go tonight or tomorrow.
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby [Q] on Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:14 am

Do you think you got it from work? It's a shame that companies are asking their workers to risk their health to come in and do their jobs when many jobs can be done from home.
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby mp3 on Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:35 am

Yeah I think so mate since we had two other people off just a day after I got my results but it's hard to put blame on anybody because it's an illness that you can have but show no symptoms of so it's not like a person coming into work ill because they need a pay check or like the company I work for isn't doing the guildeline stuff they need to be doing because they are I think it's just one of them to things and I think from what I put my body through a few years back in hindsight may be a reason why my immune system is low so I think maybe taking steps to boost it is now in order.

Iam not mad at anything or anyone regarding it, iam ok now and the world is finding better ways to deal with it, I'd say the only drawback is missing two weeks of pay so soon after Christmas when the January payday is a tough wait out and now I have to take into account the low Feb wage but I do have my mum and even my ex wife to thank for dropping off supplies etc during theses passed few weeks and not excepting a penny in return so I am greatful.

A quick update regarding 2k, I tried it. didn't last a full 12 minutes playing it before quitting the game lol I desperately want to enjoy a basketball game again!
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Kevin on Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:09 pm

Jesus so you can really get Covid twice? I'm sorry that happened to you, man. Hopefully, there are no long term effects.
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby mp3 on Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:58 pm

Yeah they originally said you were good once you had it, then they said you were good for at least 9 months and now they reckon there are new strains of it popping out like its a new iPhone or 2k patch update every few months so guess yeah... you can kind of catch it multiple times
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby Stress Fracture on Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:46 am

Are you guys on the priority list for the vaccine?

stay safe, man
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Re: Dear LiveJournal,

Postby mp3 on Fri Feb 12, 2021 2:19 am

No iam not but it seems like they are getting through people pretty quick starting with the elderly and the high risk people. They reckon people in my bracket 25-45 years old make get it in the the next 6 months.
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